So, if you've read my blog lately, then you know that I have dropped the ball on my "blog once a week" resolution. So now it's time to get caught up.
First, a resolution update: I have signed up for my first 5K- the March of Dimes 5K on April 26th. Anyone want to join me?
I am as close to finishing my master's as I was a month ago, but I am considering summer school. Jury's still out. I will definitely be back in the fall.
I'VE LOST 13 POUNDS!!! I didn't publish this in my original list, but a personal resolution was to get down to 150 pounds. I'm at 152 from 165. I think I'm going to up the ante on this one and go for 135. That's what I was in college, and I was pretty happy with it.
The rest of them have kind of gone by the wayside. I think I can get back in the game as far as reading my Bible 5 times a week, and maybe I can get caught up (or, you know . . .
start) my reading list this summer, but the other few I had that I didn't publish may have to wait until next year. But I set 10, and I'm still keeping 3 of them. I think that's a pretty good percentage considering I usually only set one and never keep it.
Ok, new topic. I have learned a great deal about myself through the Weight Watchers program. Not only did I have NO idea how poorly I was eating (I mean, things you think are healthy you find out really aren't!) but I also have discovered
why I eat. and 90% of the time, it wasn't because I was hungry. If you have read any of my blogs on myspace in the past, you know I struggle with sleepiness. I ate constantly to try to remedy that. I thought if I ate, I would have more energy. And, of course, I ate out of boredom. (Who doesn't?)
But I also had no idea of the great extent to which I eat out of stress until Bill crashed his bike. I had been on weight Watchers for about 7 weeks when this happened. After we finally got him bandaged up, shot up, drugged up, and out of the clinic, we went to a Super Bowl party. I ate 4 pieces of pizza, 3 pieces of cake, cleaned out a bowl of chips and dip, and ate a pretty good portion of the fruit and vegetable tray. The weird thing is that I got to the point where I was so stuffed I thought my stomach was going to split, but I still could not stop eating. It was that day that I realized that I HAVE to learn some stress management techniques.
That day I went home and prayed for a really long time after my husband went to sleep. I gave a lot of things up that night. And I'm proud to say that I have taken very few of them back. I still struggle with a few things, mainly finances, but I have done much better about trusting the Lord with those things. I'm pretty proud of how much more relaxed I have felt lately.
In other news . . . it looks like I'll be teaching PE and coaching next year. I'm not sure this is what I want to do, but I cannot both teach a core class and coach anymore. It's too exhausting. But I think I only have one or two years of coaching left in me, so I thought I would focus on that for awhile. Plus, the change will be nice. I whacked my hair off (I'm hoping to get a picture up on my blog/mySpace/facebook today), and I got to witness the amazing work of the Lord in someone I care about very very much. That will have to wait for a later post.
I'm off to read my friends' blogs. I wish you all a FABULOUS Spring Break, wherever you may be!!!