Saturday, January 26, 2008

Things I Learn About . . .

I took my girls on a walk today . . . one at a time, of course. As some of you know by experience, you have to be stupid to take them both at the same time . . . or in desperate need of an arm workout. I took Abbey for 30 minutes (5 walk 5 jog, repeat) and Zoey for 30. I haven't walked them in quite a while, but I learned some things about them while being reminded of some things I had forgotten.

1. Abbey will not drink from a puddle on the ground. Zoey will.
2. Both will go all the way across the street if necessary to avoid being hit by a drop of water from a far reaching sprinkler.
3. Zoey does not do well if there is another dog anywhere in the vicinity, be it leashed, unleashed, or corralled in a backyard. This was not a surprise.
4. Abbey, though she does not do well if a dog barks at her from behind a fence, does just fine around a dog that is loose or on a leash (This was a surprise.)
5. I must take Zoey first from now on. She has much more energy than Abbey.
6. When Abbey stops to sniff something, I must stop, too. To continue jogging is similar to attaching a leash to a metal sign post and then taking off with the leash in hand. (Go ahead, get the visual. It was really funny to the people across the street who saw it happen.)
7. Zoey has severe ADD. She cannot stay on one side of the sidewalk, and she turns her head and tries to run in the direction of every sound she hears, every movement that catches her eye, etc.
8. Abbey is a much better dog walking partner than Zoey. She also does not have as much energy, which is better for me!

So, there you go.

Goal update: I have lost 7 pounds, I got back on track with my Bible reading (after a week and a half off), but my reading list doesn't have a dent in it. I am no where near ready for a 5K, but I can finally jog 10 minutes straight without feeling like I'm going to die. Monday we start with 15.

Peace to you all! (All 4 of you!)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not Much to Say. . .

So, nothing really blog-worthy has happened this week. . . except maybe my loss of approximately 9 more IQ points. Bill has desperately wanted to watch Superbad since the first time he saw the trailer for it. So, alas, I gave in and we watched it last night.

Holy . . . freakin' . . . crap. Do you know what it feels like to have a brain cell pop? I do. I felt it several times last night during the movie. I would like to put out there the theory that it is not what the government refers to as our "mediocre" education system that is sending our future into the pits of stupidity. It is movies such as Superbad.

Anyway, on to more intelligent topics. . . I'm doing pretty well on the working out thing. Although I aim to do SOMETHING every day, I pretty consistently work out 4 times a week. Even some of my friends that work out regularly have commented that they sure see me at the gym a lot lately. (Thanks, Jerry!!)

I have discovered, however, in creating a workout regimen, that there are some days every week that I just cannot do much. Saturdays, for example. Every Saturday I come home feeling like a failure because I give up after 20 minutes. I'm just too tired. It doesn't matter what I did the night before, or how much sleep I got, or what time of day I go. I have decided that Saturday is just going to have to be my "blow off, do nothing day." I've discovered on Saturdays that I really want to do nothing but get up, watch TV in my pajamas, for a few hours, shower, take a nap, play on the computer, maybe do some schoolwork, and then hang out with friends that evening. As each week goes by, I see that I really don't have the energy on Saturdays to do much else. Maybe this is indeed the Lord telling me that Saturday is the true Sabbath and that this is to be my day of rest. After all, on Sunday's I'm good to go. I can work out for 1-2 hours, go to the store, clean house . . . Or maybe I'm just a bum looking for an excuse not to do anything on Saturdays. Who knows. I'd like to find a good stretching and flexibility video. Something I can do on Saturdays without blowing my whole day, but something that doesn't require just a whole lot of energy.

Of course, If I'm ever going to complete 5 kilometers in a reasonable amount of time, I'm going to have to do better than that. I haven't even completed 5 kilometers yet!!

Tomorrow is a staff development day. I'm sure I'll have more to write then!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Like a child . . .

Ok, so I have to argue with Chelsey a bit concerning items from childhood. Crayons. . . well . . . they're ok. They definitely take you back and take your mind off of things.

But they've got NOTHING on swings!

A walk in the park and a wild hair landed me in the seat of an old chain swing, and I don't remember having a lousy mood improved so quickly. Swinging really is good for the spirit! Up . . . down . . . up . . . down . . . repeat as desired. I even found myself contemplating trying to jump out of the seat at peak height. Don't worry, I quickly remembered that my 30 year old bones probably don't bend like they used to and that I probably don't roll as well as I did when I was 9. Sure thought about it, though!

So I've gotten a bit behind on some of my goals for this year. I got stalled in my book because I can't locate it at the moment, and I came home 3 nights in a row and simply crashed, which killed my "5 minutes a day" Bible time. I plan to get caught up this week, though. The second semester towards my degree starts tomorrow, and if all goes according to plan I will see a successful drop in pounds when I weigh in on Tuesday. I blew quite a few of my points last night at Buffalo Wild Wings, but my fellow weight watchers would be proud: I still have a weekly point left, unlike last week! I would be in really great shape if I could let go of the beer. (That was an easy 12 points.) I just don't know if I can. I already gave up my lattes and frozen coffees . . . and french fries . . . and cheeseburgers . . . but, hey, that's what those extra points are for, right? To allow me to occasionally indulge in those things that I love that I can't have on a regular basis anymore.
I think the March of Dimes 5K is in either April or May, and a couple of friends and I are going to sign up for it. Anyone else care to join us?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Let's Talk About Chicken Fried Steak . . .

I love chicken fried steak. It is amazing how something so simple can make one so happy. I mean, it's a cut of meat that most people outside of the southern United States will not touch. But it is just so good in it's deep fried, breaded, greasy goodness.

Which leads me to the follow up to Saturday night's Weight Watcher test. I would have been ok at the place we were scheduled to go, if that place had honored the room that had been reserved for us. But, alas, they gave it away, and we were forced to go to the only place that said they would get 20 people seated in a fairly reasonable amount of time: Green Chili Willy's.

Have you heard of it? No? Oh, my. You must visit the place soon. (But not if you are on Weight Watchers and have as little self control as I do.)

You see, Green Chili Willy's serves steaks, burgers, and a couple of grilled chicken dishes. But I was weak, and having consumed multiple portions of chicken over the week, I just couldn't do it. So I blew it. I ordered Chicken Fried Steak. And gravy. And a baked potato. Yes, with butter, cheese, and bacon. Did I mention the beer I had with it? And the Caramel Macchiato I had my husband buy me on the way back into town? Oh, but it made me so happy?

Not even a week in and I failed so miserably. But at least my week starts over in the morning and the dark red "WEEKLY POINTS EXCEEDED" notification will disappear from the top of my login screen on the Weight Watchers site!! (No, I'm not going to tell you by how much, because I don't know. By the time I entered my double serving of chicken fried steak and the potato, I stopped. I didn't want to know. Nothing I could do about it at that point, anyway, right?)

So I started over Sunday morning. Been on track ever since!!

Happy Eating!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Week One on Weight Watchers . . .

Well, my first week as a Weight Watcher is almost over. It's not nearly as hard as I thought it would be, and it is so much harder than I thought it would be at the same time. It has been an enlightening experience. I always knew I wasn't eating very healthfully, but I had no idea how badly I was eating until I started watching so closely. For example, I get 22 "Points" per day, and an Awesome Blossom at Chili's is 75. Granted, that's if you eat the whole thing alone, but I have been known to eat half of one, which would be my food for a day and a half.

The most frustrating part has been having to accept artificial sweeteners into my life, at least on a small scale. I'm not fond of this, but I get tired of fruit, and if I want anything else sweet without blowing my whole day's allowance, then I'm going to have to get used to using some artificial sweeteners.

The biggest blow, however, has been having to give up lattes. I refuse to drink one of those with artificial sweetener it it, and to drink it normally, even with non fat milk, would still take the place of an entire meal.

My first test will be tonight. My husband has a dinner with the work kids that we are going to tonight at Feldman's Fieldhouse. Am I really supposed to walk in their and NOT order Fried Zucchini? I just don't know . . .

New Year's Resolution Update: I've read my Bible every night since New Year's Day, I've created my reading list and am nearly through with one book on it, I've blogged 3 times this week so far. I've worked out twice (and Lord, help me, I am SO SORE!!!) and my 2nd semester of coursework is paid for. So far, so good . . .

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The List is Begun!

I began my reading list tonight. I'm tired and going to bed so I won't list them all here right now, but it is on my Facebook account if you are interested. I am having a hard time locating funny books.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged . . .

Nothing like getting busted on being behind on your blogging by getting tagged a month ago and just now finding it!!

1. Name: Leslie
2. Birthday: I don't have them anymore, but when I did it was October 23rd.
3. Birthplace: Amarillo
4. Eye Color: Greenish-Blue
5. Hair Color: Diverse. Soon to be brown.
6. Height: 5'6"
7. Ethnicity: Irish, Cherokee, British, and who knows what else.
8. Weakness: Cookies, warm fruit desserts with ice cream on top, coffee, and FRENCH FRIES!
9. Most missed memory: College
10. Thoughts first waking up:I don't think I have a thought. Hitting snooze has become a physical reflex.
11. Last time you cried: I'm not sure, but I know it wasn't long ago and I was probably pissed off about something.
12. Song title that currently says how you feel: I'm Like a Bird
13. What is the perfect day for you: Waking up in a hotel or a cabin far far away from here, having nothing set to do but enough cash to go explore the shops, local scene, and people with friends or family brave enough to make me do all the things I want to do but don't have the guts myself to do.
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? No.
15. How do you vent anger? Throw things. Oh, yes, I'm one of those people.
16. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Probably my husband or my sister.
17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? No, but we did have Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs
18. Do you chew on your straws? All the time.
19. Do you sing in the shower? Every time.
20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to? I don't remember.
21. The last place you went to in a plane? I think Dallas.
22. Do you cry at weddings? Tear up, maybe. Don't usually cry.
23. Are you afraid of the dark? Only after scary movies or when my dogs go off about something they heard.
24. What are you addicted to? French Fries.
25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Creamy Honey Roasted
26. Who do you fight with the most? I really don't fight.
27. Who can you tell anything to? My sister.
28. Do you recycle? No. I'm a loser.
29. Who makes you laugh the most? Chelsey, without a doubt.
30. What is the worst feeling ever? Knowing I've let someone down.
31. How many pillows do you sleep with? One under my head and one behind my back.
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? Well, I spend 4 rings looking for my phone. By this point voicemail has picked up and I have to call the person back.
33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? I have no idea. At least 4 or 5.
34. How do you sleep? On my side or stomach
35. Last time you laughed: Sometime today.
36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? Not that I can think of.
37. What is your favorite color? Aqua Blue
38. What is your favorite state? Texas. Is there any other state?

I have no one to tag here. They've already tagged me! I'll have to copy this to my mySpace bulletin board and tag someone there.